Male Kestrel

Male Kestrel
Red Tailed Hawk

Miniature Red Tailed Hawk Miniature Decorative Carving Size: 6″ L X 6″ W X 12″ H Price: $2000.00 Sold Red tails are common raptors throughout North America, and vary greatly in appearance. In the mountain valley where I live we see these birds regularly, and during their southward migration in the fall they seem to […]
Drake Wood Duck

Miniature Drake Wood Duck 1/3 Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 9″L X 9″ W X 8″ H Price: $2000.00 Sold I love wood ducks, and wanted to show a resting drake on a partially sunken snag. To bring the composition together, I turned the base for this carving from purple heart, a South American hardwood that […]
Miniature Osprey

Miniature Osprey, Trout for Dinner 1/2 Lifesize OspreySize: 16″ L X 16″W X 28″HPrice: $10,000 Sold Growing up in Texas, I don’t recall seeing osprey. When I began my career as a forester in the Siskiyou Mountains of Northern California, they were common along the Klamath River. I began a fascination with the species that […]
Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 6″L X 6″ W x 9″ H Price: $1500 Sold
Slim Picken’s

Slim Picken’s Black Billed Magpies & Mule Deer Black Billed Magpies & Mule Deer Size: 32″ X 32″ X 32″ Price: $12,000 Sold This is a carving that I had in my mind for 30 years before I finally got around to doing. In the late 1970s a friend had a shed mule deer antler […]
Wingshot Harley

Wingshot Harley Lifesize Decorative Drake Harlequin Duck Size: 22″L X 16″ W X 18″HPrice: $5000 Sold This carving was a commission for an outfitter in Alberta, Canada. The outfitter, Wingshot Outfitters, surprised me because their waterfowl outfitting business is located in the heart of the prairie where their main quarry are marsh ducks and geese…yet […]
Evening Grosbeak

Evening Grosbeak 12″ X 12″ X 12″ Price: $2,000 Sold Evening grosbeaks return to my area of Idaho In May, and are often present on the feeders outside my studio by the dozen. Once they move in, other birds have a difficult time getting at the feeders. They are gluttons, sitting at the feeders and […]
Miniature Hen Mallard

Miniature Hen Mallard Miniature Hen Mallard Size: 12″ X 12″ X 12″ Price: $2000
Marsh Wren

Marsh Music – Marsh Wren Lifesize Bronze – Edition of 25 L: 10″ W: 10″ H: 24″ Price: $1,750