Cackling Canada Goose Decorative Decoy

Cackling Canada Goose Decorative Decoy, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 16″L X 8″W X 12″H Price: $5,000 Sold Like most waterfowlers, I love Canada geese, and of the 10 subspecies currently recognized, Cacklers are my favorite. They possess all the markings and beauty of the species, but are the smallest subspecies. In body size and weight, […]
Lifesize African Hoopoe

Lifesize African Hoopoe, Lifesize Decorative Carving
Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 12″L X 12″ W X 14″HPrice: $3500 These birds are very common where I live, and I like to watch them as they fish along our rivers. This bird is a female, and is perched on a dead limb of a lodgepole pine. I chose to carve the limb […]
Blue Duck Decorative Decoy

Blue Duck Decoy, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 14″L X 6″W X 9″H Price: $2500.00 Sold This is the decoy version of the Blue Duck, based on reference I did while in New Zealand. A more detailed discussion of this species is found in the narrative included with the decorative standing carving on this site
Blue Duck Decorative

Blue Duck Decorative, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 16″L X 12″W X 16″HPrice: $ 5000.00 Sold This carving was commissioned by a lodge in New Zealand. Blue ducks are endangered, with only about 5,000 remaining on the North Island, their sole location. The lodge owner has photographed several in the river near the lodge. Luckily, while […]
Carmine Bee Eater

Carmine Bee Eater, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 14″L X 10″W X 14″HPrice: $3500 Sold Like the Lilac Breasted Roller included in the site, this bird was carved to the gallery in Montana that represents me. I look forward to seeing and photographing these birds someday.
Common Roadrunner

Common Roadrunner, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 22″L X 12″W X 18″HPrice: $8,000.00 Sold I grew up in Texas seeing roadrunners, and have also lived around them in the mountains of Southern California. They have always been a favorite of mine. As a youngster in Texas, I recall them being called by the nickname “Paisano”. A couple […]
Gray Partridge

Gray Partridge, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 10″L X 10″W X 12″HPrice: $2500 Sold I often shoot gray partridge (called “Huns” or Hungarian partridge locally) while hunting chukar in Hell’s Canyon or the Owyhee Mountains. They are strong flyers and usually flush as a covey as opposed to chukar. I’ve also hunted them in central Montana […]
Lilac Breasted Roller

Lilac Breasted Roller, Lifesize Decorative Carving Size: 10″L X 8″W X 12″H Price: $3500.00 Sold I’m represented by a Montana gallery that specializes in African subjects. At their request, I completed this colorful bird for the Safari Club International convention. I placed the bird on a carved branch simulating a thorn tree. I hope to someday visit […]
Long Billed Curlew Gunning Decoy

Long Billed Curlew Lifesize Gunning Decoy Size: 20″L X 6″W X 20″L Price” $1500.00I enjoy doing gunning decoys, which are smooth birds with detailed painting. Gunning shorebirds are traditionally mounted on a dowel, simulating the way shorebird decoys were carved by market hunters. This carving portrays one of my favorite shorebirds. I see them locally, as well […]